Understanding slow jigging

This is my experience of evolving to Traditional or the original techniques of slow jigging to modern Hardcore techniques

The Japanese Art of fishing

Befor we get started you must first understand some basics and Fundemantals of slow jigging

The main idea of slow jigging is the way you control the jigs. Hence it’s also the most important thing you need to understand is the jig which you use is supposed to mimic a wounded pray not a escaping one like you do in speed jigging. And also you must move the jig on the bottom and slowly move up the jig to depending on the species you are targeting

The basics of all animals such as fish will more likely take a bite of a wounded pray then a fleeing one. Since its a more easy target and will rapidly grab it without even hesitating, Because the fish will know it has more chance of getting it without consuming too much energy

For this to happen, you also will need proper equipment a good rod depending on the depths and target fish and a proper reel which you can handle the fish. There are tons of reels which are being marketed as slow jigging with 100s of kgs of drag which is not necessary. A 15kg or 10 kg will do the job since mostly the targeted species in slow jigging is bottom species, Which will give up fight easily since mostly it will be snappers and groupers. And you should understand for slow jigging you are actually targeting the bottom for groupers and snappers mostly.

Most species on the bottom will give you a tremendous fight but will also give up the the fight if you can learn to Force it higher quickly separating it from the depth making the fish decoy and eventually will rise itself up to the surface making it easier and lighter to pull if you fight properly

You should also know that most slow jigging reels does not have power drag like 60lb and 100lb or 30kg to 60kg because in the depths what you really need is a reel with max drag of about 15kg to 7 kg. That will do the job, and thinner lines which can easily reach the bottom without the current swaying the jig out of the target zone for example PE ratings like pe 1.5 , pe2 and pe 3 which should do the job. There is a reason Why big companies like Shimano Daiwa SOM and marfix ain’t adding drag to there reels. Not because they cant but it’s not necessary. A 20k above ruby can easily be taken out from a 10kg reel if you can properly learn to fight.

The thinner the line the easier it is to reach the bottom with minimum friction of water.

When you look for slow jigging reels try to find one with good torque and line retrieve. The best reels I can recommend you for these application is non other then SOM blueheaven reels which mostly will agree but do understand it’s a reel which can also have lots of maintenance problems especially the bearings but it’s also the reel capable of fighting deep monsters with ease because of its smoothness and torque and of couse these reels can easily be upgraded for additional improvements.The second option is Marfix which is also similar to the performance of SOM reels and and costs around 850usd but trust me it’s worth every penny. These reels are specially designed For Deep Bottom Monsters

The Below mentioned Reel is a Marfix

Gear ratio 4.4 max drag 10kg line retrieve is 100cm

These equations are perfectly matched for bottom Monsters when you go for 800g and 1kg of jigs on 400m of waters.

The next thing is the Rod

In rods there are plenty to choose from From. The best I would say is from Oecans legacy Slow Pitch models which are designed to hold down extremly tough fights , these rods can handle 25kg on 40 to 60 degrees making the fight easier and the pumping you can do without the fear of breaking the rods. And if you want to flip 800g jigs these rods will toss them like a fly

For entry level you could try Other cheaper rods of if you are serious about slow jigging look no other then Oceans Legacy which comes in different ranges

And also you must carefully ask the rods makers in which depths the rods are suitable to operate since there are lots of products claiming for slow jigging

The rod must be able to flip the jig its allowed to use and a powerful recoil with ease without bending the rod to the foregrip

Rods must be stiff enough to move and flip the jig to make it fall nicely to the required action which you are expecting. Because in slow jigging the free fall jig is the way it should perform and the jigs have to be well balanced to make it effective. like OL jigs and SFC

You can start slow jigging in shallows and move to deeper waters, so you can easily experience how important it is the way jig moves and how strikes differ from perfect movement. And master the Art of Slow jigging.
Many people ask me….
What’s with the double hooks on both sides of jigs??

Well the answer is simple.

In slow jigging, the jigs which are being used should fall with flutter actions leaving mostly it on horizontal position. So basically attaching twin assist hooks on both sides is essential because the bite might take on either positions and the hooks will immediately get attached on its mouth

and some are heavier even so mostly some will even attach to the body even if it comes on either sides. And while you try to set the hook ups the balanced hooks which are not attached to the mouth will even get hook on its Body making it impossible for the fish to unhook it.

Hooks will be used in slow jigging will be mostly simple some prefer it with flashers and some without since this will help the jig to make its required movement. If flashers are presented this will have a serious effect on how the jig moves in deeper water.

And also remember everything will bite a Slow fall jig. from groupers to tuna abd even swordfish.

Tips to look in a slow jigging reel.

For slow jigging ones you start what you will go through is the desire to go deep. And this is where the problems start. Becauae you will need to make the jigs heavier and face lots of current and at the same time you will need a higher line retrieve to pull the jigs faster when u get a fish on or when u need to change the spot. This will eventually get tiresome and make the work load heavier on your shoulders. The next thing which will come to your mind is getting a low gear ratio which will improve torque and make the load less but now you are sacrificing line retrieve. What’s next you are now running out of options.

To face these problems this is where specially designed slow jigging reels comes in. These slow jigging reels you need will have enough torque and high retrieve.

That’s why these reels are expensive because of how well it’s being balanced to meet these standards in slow jigging community. And these are the reels you should go for with some savings, because these reels will be on your back giving you all the comfort and painless jigging in the deep with heavier jigs

Number I would say is

SOM L150hi

Gear ratio 5:4.1

Line retrieve 116cm

This reel is some what the winner because of almost perfect in every way when it comes to monsters in the deep. This reel can hold pe4 600m and have the power of 20kg max drag. Most people will like it because of enough line of pe 4 and the power of drag.

2nd would be Ocea Jigger

Gear ratio 4:4.1

Line retireve 105cm

Pe 3 1200m it can hold. There is no place you cant reach in the bottom of the sea. It too comes with a long nice handle of 110mm. And have a max drag of 25kg. Even the most difficult fish like thrasher shark fight which will some times last up to 2 hrs could be drastically reduced. If you plan up your fight well.

The 3rd is my favourite

The Marfix S5RH

Gear ratio is 4.4.1

Line retrieve is 100cm

This black devil reel can hold up to pe 3 840m and have the desired standard drag of 10kg and will really test your slow jigging Skill to the max. It can easily work an 800g jigs with ease and has a sturdy narrow spool which helps you to thumb in added drag making the fight really epic and enjoyable without breaking your bones.

There are other reels like shimano ocea jigger which is also very powerful but…guys if you already own one I would suggest to try one of these reels and really see the difference your self.

Hope i have helped you

Take care seriousanglers. And enjoy Slow pitch jigging to the max.

OL slow element one of the lightest and strongest rod for slow jigging we have tested

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